
The Health Technologies and Innovation Group of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona is committed to innovation since 2009. The central objective of the group is to provide clinical, technical and scientific for the development of new products, services and processes that improve the experience of patients and professionals, improve the health of the population and decrease the cost per capita of the provision of health services.

The experience of the research and innovation group focuses on 6 areas:

  • eHealth (Liquid Hospital)
  • Robotics (Robots for Health)
  • 3D Printing and Simulation (3D for Health)
  • Materials and Devices
  • Organizational and Care Innovation
  • Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Product

Its activity focuses on pediatric, gynecological or obstetric pathologies related to the moment of pregnancy and birth or fetal.

Activity in relation to additive manufacturing:

Since 2013, the group has promoted a line of research focused on 3D printing and simulation.

The main objective is to investigate new medical image processing and post-processing technologies, new materials, consolidation and finishing processes, as well as pedagogical techniques and

behavioral that help improve clinical practice and outcomes in care. The research group has a 3D Unit with its own machines, made up of a multidisciplinary team that includes biomedical engineers, radiologists, surgeons, doctors and simulation technicians specializing in special effects. The main activity of the sub-group is to support the surgical planning of complex surgeries in 9 specialties (200 surgeries/year), the prototyping and validation of new medical devices and simulation. It also has a simulation center (Dar-win) focused on the education of healthcare professionals.

The Hospital works in new fields of application, especially in the field of rehabilitation.

Clinical applications of 3D technology:

  • Virtual surgical planning
  • Cutting and positioning guides
  • Printing of anatomical models
  • Prototypes of prostheses and orthoses
  • Teaching and simulation
  • Research