Barcelona, March 1, 2024 – The Additive Manufacturing Reference Network (XaRFA) celebrates the selection ofsix research projects from member groups in the 2023 Agaur Knowledge Industry Program. This program offers support for various phases of projects through grants Seed, Product and Innovators, impetus to stimulate R+D+I activity and encourage its development, becoming a crucial support for the networks in their mission of valorization and transfer of knowledge.
In the last call, XaRFA provided support to 10 projects of member research groups, both through the Agaur IdC Grants Preparation Program XaRFA 2 MaRKET as in other ways. With a concession that exceeds the 54% of the grants requested, this success has been a great source of motivation to continue enriching the 3D printing entrepreneurial community within the Catalan R+D+I fabric.
In the Seed mode, for innovative projects with the potential to be incorporated into the productive sector with a contribution of €20,000 over six months, the following have been beneficiaries:
- FSAM3TAL: led by Dr. Felip Fenollosa, PhD, with the collaboration of entrepreneurial scientists Sergio Elizalde and Miguel Grande, from the CIM UPC research group. Development of a metal additive manufacturing system based on solid state friction welding, eliminating the need for special materials and reducing complexity and costs.
- CARBOPRINT 3D: led by Dr. Felip Fenollosa, with the collaboration of entrepreneurial scientists Sergio Elizalde and Miguel Grande, from the CIM UPC research group. Development of epoxy-based thermosetting pastes supercharged with carbon fiber by Direct Ink Writing technology, offering exceptional mechanical properties compared to other 3D printing technologies.
- Phygital Human Bone: led by Dr. Juan Crespo of Elisava‘s TR2Lab research group and UVic. Development of a synthetic phygital model of human bone using an innovative biomimetic design and a 3D bioprinting technique, allowing to recreate the properties of bone tissue and controlled reproduction for advanced biomechanical studies.
- 3D µprinting: led by Dr. Jose Oriol Rius of the CPCM research group of the UB-Fundació Bosch i Gimpera. Implementation of a 3D micro-printing technology for the manufacture of precision components with various applications that allows combining 3D printing, while manufacturing a new head adaptable to commercial printers, with metal electrodeposition processes.
- BIO-4D: led by Dra. Marta Pegueroles from the UPC-EEBE BBT research group. Project focused on the development of 4D bioprinting of a polymer stent with shape memory and the evaluation of the patentability of the creation of complex biological tissues with promising applications in regenerative medicine.
Also, in the Innovators category, aimed at valorization and knowledge transfer projects developed by innovators during stays in entities of the research and innovation system of Catalonia, with a contribution of €84,000 for 18 months, the XaRFA supports the beneficiary project:
- ELASTOM3D: led by Dr. Robert Teixidor of the IQS GEMAT research group; and Dr. Felip Fenollosa, from CIM UPC. Development of elastomeric materials with advanced applications through 3D printing, expanding the possibilities in the manufacture of flexible implantable products.
XaRFA reaffirms its commitment to innovation, the valorization and transfer of knowledge and collaboration, contributing to the development of research in the field of additive manufacturing in Catalonia. The successes of these projects underline the work, motivation and progress of the entrepreneurial research community, and the important work of the network leading initiatives and providing resources for the valorisation, transfer and internationalization of knowledge, consolidating a robust framework for the growth and the impact on society.