The XaRFA, led by CIM UPC, announces its next Annual Meeting of Members and General Assembly for Thursday, April 4, 2024.
This event will feature the new Startup Capital call published this week, along with other grants and funding tools aimed at driving innovation and business growth.
In addition to attending a presentation of the details of the Startup Capital by the same ACCIÓ team, XaRFA members will have the opportunity to learn about other available grants, establish collaborations and explore synergies with other groups of research and key players in the sector. The meeting will serve as a platform for networking and the exchange of ideas, encouraging cooperation and advancing innovation.
The day has the participation of Ms. Laia Arnal, Director General of Transfer and Knowledge Society of the Department of Research and Universities; of the Vr. Climent Molins, Vice Chancellor of Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the UPC; the Vra. Mercè Segarra, Vice-Chancellor of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transfer of the UB; and Dr. José María Cabrera, Director General of CIM UPC.
With this annual meeting, the XaRFA reaffirms its commitment to promote research, innovation and the transfer of knowledge. Through the XaRFA 2 MaRKET Program, the network continues to promote the scientific-entrepreneurial ecosystem and contribute to the social, economic and technological development of the country in the field of additive manufacturing.
All the information and registrations the attached link. For any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the XaRFA team at